The Creditor Statement is the primary document used in the control of supplier accounts.
Select a creditor key with right click, or F12 to search.
Click the 'Compute' button to update detailed listing of invoices and payments.
Click on the blue reference number to drill down and see the details of this entry.
Creditor Statement
Purpose: The creditors statement is the primary external document used in the control of supplier accounts.
Prerequisites: The Creditor must exist in the Lilac3 Database.
A continuous run of statements may be produced by starting with a blank Name key and selecting Start Continuous Print from the File menu.
Name: Type in the creditors key, from which you wish to generate a statement, or leave blank if you wish to do a continuous print.
Period: The current accounting period is displayed here. It is established when you sign in. Date: The date to print on statement. This should represent the date the statement was issued. It is set to be the working date.
Date: This column shows the original date the document was created. Type: This column shows the original source of the document type eg: Invoice, receipts, etc. Ref: This column shows the reference number of the original source document. Invoice: The original Gross Value of the item. Payment: The original Gross Value of the payment. Balance: The net outstanding value of the item. N.B. Items will only appear if they have a non-zero Balance, or if zero when they have been subject to current period activity. The total of the Balance column should equal the balance of the account to the current period.
Transaction Processing Button Description: Compute: Clicking the Computer button will create a statement for the Creditor specified in the Name field.